The Injuries Board

What is PIAB?

The Personal Injuries Assessment Board is an independent state body within Ireland whose role is to assess injury claims and to decide upon an appropriate level of compensation. The body is frequently referred to as the PIAB or, more colloquially, the Injuries Board.


The personal injuries board will assess all types of personal injuries claims and anyone looking to seek compensation must go through the PIAB via their solicitor if a valid claim is to be met.


Why Should I Hire A Solicitor for The Personal Injuries Assessment Board?

While it is possible for any member of the public to notify the Injuries Board in Ireland, it is advisable to hire an experienced solicitor to continue the process. Notifying the PIAB is simple enough but the act of seeing a claim through from start to finish is far more complex and it is recommended that a professional body steps in.


A personal claims solicitor can also carry out that initial notification process and, more importantly, he/she can take care of all legal issues relating to the claim. An inexperienced individual may well see a reduced level of compensation if they carry out the procedure themselves and, in a worst case scenario, a wrong course of action may result in them missing out on payment altogether.


What Is The Process of Making a PIAB Application?

To obtain PIAB settlements, a certain set of information needs to be submitted. In the High Court personal injury cases, there is potential to claim compensation for direct pain and suffering relating to the specific incident but it is possible to receive payment for initial outgoings. Therefore, claimants may be expected to submit:


  • A claim form,
  • Medical reports,
  • Eye witness reports,
  • Independent medical assessment.


The above is a comprehensive list but additional information may be required. All claims submitted to the Injuries Board in Ireland are treated on an individual basis but that is a typical round up of essential information. Once they are satisfied, the PIAB will assess the application.


What Types of Accidents Do The Personal Injuries Assessment Board Cover?

As long as there is an injury and that an identifiable third party is responsible, the PIAB will consider the claim. Naturally, some accidents will be more common than others and these might include:


  • Road traffic accidents,
  • Accidents at work,
  • A trip or fall in a public setting,
  • Amusement park accidents,
  • Accidents in supermarkets.


This isn’t an exhaustive list but it does cover the most common accidents that are submitted to a personal injury solicitor. The only real exceptions are medical negligence claims which are dealt with elsewhere but, otherwise, any type of accident will be assessed by the personal injuries board.


How Long Do I Have to Make My Claim?

Details of time limits pertaining to personal injuries are covered by the Statute of Limitations but generally the timeframe is two years. The two year limit is set from the ‘Date of Knowledge’ and it’s important to note that this does not necessarily refer to the actual date of the accident.


Date of Knowledge is defined as a specific point in time when any injuries sustained were known to be significant and that an identifiable third party was at fault for the accident in question. Any claim that is submitted to the PIAB after this two-year timeframe carries a far lesser chance of being assessed so it is important to keep this period in mind.


How Long Does The PIAB Take to Assess My Claim?

When a claim is submitted to the Personal Injuries Board in Ireland, the terms and conditions state that the claimant agrees to give the PIAB 90 days to evaluate the information. As soon as the details are registered, the Personal Injuries Assessment Board will issue a reference number. The claimant then has to decide whether to go ahead with the case and, at that point, a small fee is paid and that 90 day period will begin.


If the claimant decides not to proceed at this point, the PIAB will issue an authorisation. From this point, it will not be possible to pursue PIAB settlements but the authorisation is a legal document which will allow the claimant to follow up with high court personal injury cases if they wish.


The simple answer to the question is, therefore, a 90 day limit from submission to assessment but the claim may well be considered ahead of schedule. Once again, the complex nature of the Injuries Board procedure makes it advisable to appoint a personal injury solicitor who can oversee the submission and discuss next steps with the claimant.


Why Choose McGinley Solicitors LLP?

Having outlined the process that PIAB settlements take, why should you appoint McGinley Solicitors LLP to handle your personal injury claim? As we have seen, while it is possible for any individual to contact the Injuries Board in Ireland, the full claim process is a complex one which requires in depth legal knowledge.


Experience in personal injury claims is essential and, having been originally established back in 1988, we have over 30 years behind us and that knowledge is vital in regards to bringing any claim to a satisfactory conclusion. Initially, you can fill in a simple online contact form or you can give us a call on 1890 998 969 and we can start with an opening discussion.


We can be flexible in our approach and, with three offices across Dublin and Donegal, clients are welcome to call in to discuss any PIAB settlements in greater detail. At this stage, we can look at follow up questions including the likely length of time involved along with potential figures for compensation. It’s a comprehensive, professional and friendly service at McGinley Solicitors LLP and one that takes the headaches away from dealing with a complex legal process.

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