It is estimated that last year alone, more than 50 fatalities occured on farms across the UK, which is roughly equivalent to one fatality every week of the year. As for how many farm accidents happen a year, leading to injuries that may have long-term ramifications, numbers are even higher.
A farm accident is defined as any incident that causes personal injury within a farm environment. Any farm injuries sustained, which could have been prevented, therefore mean that a third party is liable.
Farm accident claims can be referred to the Personal Injuries Board of Ireland via an experienced solicitor. The circumstances will be assessed and an outcome decided upon.
Within that general definition, a wide number of possible causes of the farm accident are included.
Common Farming Injuries
Injuries that result from accidents on a farm can cover a wide spectrum. These will include, but are not limited to:
- Minor bruising, sprains and soft tissue injuries
- Breaks and fractures
- Serious lacerations
- Multiple fractures and broken bones
- Loss of one or more limbs
- Serious head injuries and paralysis
This covers an extensive range of injuries that will typically lead to farm accident claims but it must be stressed that this isn’t an exhaustive list. Incidents of this kind have been sustained on farms and can produce an almost infinite number of symptoms.
If you’ve suffered any form of injury in a farm environment, then it’s recommended that you consult farm accident solicitors, irrespective of whether the specific injury is covered by this list.
Common Farm Accident Types
Accidents on the farm can arise from a number of circumstances. In an area where so much machinery is involved, the list could almost be endless but the following are among the more common types of farm accident claims.
- Farm tractor accidents
- Collisions as a pedestrian with other types of farm vehicles
- Collisions as a driver where a third party is at fault
- Hit by falling objects
- Accidents involving ladders
- Farm accidents involving hand tools
- Slip, trip or fall on the farm
While that’s a comprehensive list, once again, it isn’t an exhaustive one and many common farming injuries are caused by other means. As long as there is a responsible and identifiable third party who can be held responsible due to negligent actions, a claim can arise.
For any farm-related accidents, either within or outside of this list, it’s recommended to get in touch with an experienced personal injury solicitor who can advise you on how to proceed.
How to Make a Farm Accident Claim
Farming accidents statistics show that incidents can be split into two categories. Claims can be made by workers against farmers while the farmers themselves may often have a case against third parties.
Workers v Farmers
This category can also be extended to include any visitor who suffers a farm accident while on the premises. In the first instance, medical attention should be sought if it is required. Consider any external medical assistance before proceeding with the following points:
- If a farm accident claim is to be pursued, all of the relevant information should be provided to your appointed legal representative. All of the details will be collated and, if your solicitor feels there are grounds for a farm accident case, that information will be submitted to the third party who is deemed responsible.
- In some cases, liability will be accepted and an offer of farm accident compensation will be submitted. Blame will, however, often be disputed. If this is the case or, if the offer is not considered suitable, it will be necessary to take the matter to court for an independent adjudication.
Farmers v Various Third Parties
The second type of farm accident can involve the farmer themselves. While they are responsible for ensuring that their workers can operate in a safe and secure environment, they cannot be ultimately held liable if they are supplied with faulty equipment.
Farming accident statistics show that farmers suffer a sizeable proportion of all accidents and it is, therefore, possible to pursue compensation against suppliers and manufacturers.
The procedure in these instances is very similar: all information should be collated and submitted to the farm accident solicitors who will be dealing with your claim. In some instances, the third party will admit responsibility upon receipt of that information. An offer of compensation will be given and it is down to the claimant as to whether they wish to accept.
If no such offer is forthcoming or, if the level of compensation offered is deemed to be unfair, the matter can then proceed to court. An independent judgement will then be made on the case.
Whatever the circumstances may be and whichever of the two categories that you may fall into, contacting a solicitor is the best option. For a farm equipment accident, injury lawyer advice is vital and the same applies to any other form of farm accident.
Another important point to keep in mind is the potential for time restrictions to impinge on the claim. For a farm accident in Ireland, law states that there is a limit of two years with which to bring a claim.
The two-year period begins with the Date of Knowledge, which refers to a specific point in time when the symptoms manifested themselves and were known to be serious. In most instances, the date of knowledge will the same as the date of the incident but this may not always be the case.
Farm Accident Injury Lawyers in Ireland
The practise of pursuing farm accident claims is one which should not be undertaken alone. This can be a complex area of Irish law and appointing an experienced solicitor gives the claimant the best possible chance of success and to achieve the maximum farm accident compensation available.
At McGinley Solicitors LLP, we have been dealing with farm accident claims, along with all other cases of injury and negligence, since 1988. In more than 30 years, we have worked tirelessly for our clients with a view to achieving the best possible outcome.
For an initial discussion, please fill out the quick and easy online form or give us a call on 1800 998 969. We will talk you through the process and, if there is a case to answer, the mechanics of your farm accident compensation claim can be set in motion.